Benefits of An RV As A Mobile Office

by | Apr 3, 2020 | Tips & Tricks

These days, a lot of people are suddenly finding themselves working from home in the wake of world events. For many RVers, working from their mobile home is a way of life. Often, full timers will designate a desk space inside their RV where they can conduct business, which gives them the flexibility they need to work on the road. This can be as simple as a corner of their RV, or as elaborate as a full set up with equipment that’s specific to their line of work, such as podcasting mics or crafting tools to sell items on Etsy. Some even use an entire RV as a roving work space, like those with food trucks or mobile pet grooming businesses!

Maybe you’ve considered making arrangements to create a workspace inside your RV and you’re wondering if it’s the right move for your career or your travel life. Whether you’re new to working remotely or a seasoned vet, we’ve gathered some of the pros of turning your RV into a mobile office.

Be less tied down to one location

Even if you have flexibility with your work hours from a physical location, you’re still locked into a location that you have to return to at some point. Whether it’s an office building or a home office inside your sticks and bricks home, it can limit where or how long you travel. With a mobile office, your freedom on the road is unlocked. If you want to maintain a career but also spend the summer months in Michigan and escape the cold for the rest of the year in Florida, you can easily do so.

Take your business where it needs to go

Going a step further, a mobile office can allow you to bring your business to your customers. This is particularly important for those who are considering performing a service out of their RVs. Maybe you are an interior designer and want to be able to travel to your clients and work nearby for a few days. Maybe you are considering starting up an RV coffee shop or mobile boutique. Turning an RV into your mobile office (or mobile business) allows you to take your services where they are needed instead of having customers come to you. Making your business more accessible could increase your income.

Open the possibility of full-time RVing

If you’re no longer tied to a physical location because of work, you are free to consider full-time RVing as a lifestyle. There are a lot of different factors to consider when it comes to deciding whether you’re ready to take the plunge, but often work is one that holds people back. With a mobile office, you’ve checked the biggest box and can start the adventure of going full-time. When you’re ready, we’ve created a handy Beginners Guide to Full-time RVing.

Make money from the road

Contrary to what some believe, RVing can get expensive. There are maintenance bills to pay, campground fees, and the gas tank isn’t going to fill itself. On top of that, you still have to pay off the vehicle after you’ve purchased it, and hitting the road can force you to use time off that you may or may not be getting paid for. We wrote an entire blog post about How to Make Money with Your RV, but if you have the flexibility in your career, the answer could just be taking your usual work with you. Instead of losing money by taking time off to RV, you could be funding your hobby from the road.

Be more productive when you have to work on the road

Maybe you already take your laptop with you when you hit the road, but you haven’t created a designated work space inside your RV yet. Turning a portion of your RV into a mobile office can help with both productivity and boundaries around work. If you have a specific place to work from, you can feel less distracted when it’s time to sit down and get things done. It also means that when it’s time to shut down for the evening, you have a physical space to leave your work and walk away from it, rather than just picking up your phone to answer one more email. It helps separate work and leisure time, making both a better experience.

Benefits of An RV As A Mobile Office

To sum it up, turning your RV into a mobile office gives you freedom. Freedom to travel when and where you want, freedom to have healthy boundaries with your work, and freedom to run your business in a way that works best for you. If you have the flexibility to create a mobile office, you will reap those benefits!

For more of our suggestions on how to make the most of your RV, check out our RV tips and tricks on our blog!

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