Essential Emergency Items for Every RV Owner

by | Jun 29, 2020 | Tips & Tricks

RVing can be fulfilling and adventurous, but like anything in life, sometimes things can also unexpectedly go awry. Tires can blow, batteries can die, and rigs can get stuck. You never want to find yourself in a situation where you need emergency items, but it’s always better to prepare for one and not need it than it is to find yourself unprepared. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most important items to keep around just in case you ever end up in a bind.

First aid kit – We’ll start with the obvious. Having a stash of bandages, ointment, gauze, aspirin, hydrogen peroxide and the like is never a bad idea. Minor scrapes, cuts, and bruises happen sometimes when you’re exploring the outdoors, so keep you and all of your travel companions safe by having a kit on hand.

Tool kit – Another one of the most simple items to have around is an all-purpose tool kit. Many maintenance projects require things like a screwdriver, hammer, measuring tape or wrench, and a tool kit covers all of your bases there. You can find these at any hardware store or superstore.

Flashlights + batteries – You probably already thought of this one as well! In situations where you lose power, you’ll want a flashlight or lantern to get around, and to light, up whatever maintenance project you have to work on to get things going again.


Jumper cables – Any driver, whether car or RV, would be wise to have a set of these on hand! Dead batteries are one of the most common vehicle issues drivers run into, and it’s often easily solved by a set of jumper cables and another car (or RV).

Reflective warning triangles – If you have to pull over for a roadside emergency, you want to protect yourself, your rig, and your passengers, as well as other drivers passing by. A set of warning triangles with reflective material that can be seen even at night is smart to keep on hand so you can warn oncoming vehicles of your presence.

Spare tire + jack – It’s always important to have a spare RV tire on hand. Stray nails and nasty potholes have sidelined plenty of RVers, but you can shorten the time it takes to get back on the road if you’re prepared with a backup. Of course, in order to change a spare tire, you’ll need a jack and a little bit of know-how.


Portable air compressor – Sometimes, your tire doesn’t need to be changed, it just needs a little extra air. If you have a portable air compressor on hand, you can pump up your tires whenever you need it rather than trying to find a gas station with a coin machine or a free air pump. These also come in handy if you have to fill your tire back up after letting air out of it to get your RV un-stuck from a sandy spot. If you don’t have a newer RV that comes with a digital tire gauge, you’ll need one of those as well.

Tow straps – You’re definitely going to want a set of these should you ever get stuck somewhere. Getting stuck is a common mistake to make, and it’s nothing to be embarrassed about – the only the that would be embarrassing is not having a way to get out!
Water purification tablets or a water purifier – If your freshwater tank runs out or you’re camping off the grid, you need a way to access safe drinking water. Water purification tablets are a quick fix, but it’s also helpful to have a more long term solution on hand. You can buy purifier water bottles, fridge pitchers, or countertop solutions such as a Berkey filter.


Hand warmers – These will come in handy if you ever lose power in cold weather. They’re small, easy to store and well worth having.

Solar-powered phone charger – One of the most important things to have if you get stranded is a way to contact help – which means the last thing you want is a dead cell phone. Having a solar-powered phone charger on hand means you can charge your device in any situation regardless of access to power.


Emergency food bar – You should only need this in the case of a dire emergency, which hopefully you’ll never come across. It’s an energy bar of sorts that contains enough calories for an adult for several days, depending on the bar. They’re small and easy to store though, so it can’t hurt to stock them.

Roadside assistance – This is more of a service than it is an item, but it’s wise to have it nonetheless. There are different companies you can choose to purchase a membership with that will provide you with roadside assistance, and you can choose whichever one you feel best fits your needs. Even if you have all of the aforementioned emergency items on hand and are knowledgeable enough to perform your own minor repairs, sometimes there are things that are simply meant for professionals to handle, and you won’t regret having roadside assistance when you need it.

Essential Emergency Items for Every RV Owner


We hope you’ll never encounter a situation where you need any of these, but just in case you ever do (knock on wood!), following this list will help you to be better prepared for whatever RV life throws at you. Check out our blog for more RVing tips and tricks!

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