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Top 15 Must-Have RV Accessories

Even in the most decked-out, top-of-the-line RV, you’ll need a few accessories to make your road adventure efficient, safe and a little more fun. With space at a premium, curate your collection of must-have RV accessories to those that add convenience and comfort without clutter.


 Chocks and Leveling Blocks

Because not all RVs sites are created equal and not all RVs are equipped with a hydraulic leveling system – and even the fanciest leveling system can be thwarted by a dicey site – travel with a set of leveling blocks and chocks. While some RVers like the simplicity of wooden blocks to supplement the leveling system, opt for a set interlocking, heavy-duty polypropylene blocks that won’t rot or absorb water. Once the unit is level, insert a chock – a heavy-duty plastic or metal wedge — under a front and rear tire to keep the RV from rolling.

Replacement Water Hose

RVs come equipped with a simple fresh water hose; don’t leave home without an upgraded replacement. Look for a thicker, longer hose that will give you more flexibility when parking and be at the ready when your flimsy stock hose is chewed through by a raccoon or damaged by campsite horseplay. Your water hose should be white or blue – the colors designated for potable water – lead-free and kink-resistant, with upgraded couplers.

Water Pressure Regulator

A high-quality water pressure regular is an essential RV accessory for preventing damage to your RV water hose and plumbing system from excessive pressure. The water pressure at some campgrounds can exceed the pressure your RV’s plumbing system can accommodate.  Attach a water regulator to the water supply at your site before hooking up your water line.  Regulators are available in standard, lead-free, and with and without pressure gauges.

Sewer Hose

Make the messy business of RVing a little less daunting with an upgraded sewer hose kit. Look for a hose that can be adapted to tight spaces at 10 feet and expanded to 20 feet to reach awkwardly placed dump stations, while not being so bulky it won’t stow in the bumper compartment. Shop for a sewer hose kit with swivel fittings and a frosted elbow joint so you can monitor what’s coming through – and know for sure when the operation is complete.

RV Patio Rug

Define your outdoor living space and keep the outdoors from coming inside with a large RV patio rug.  These durable, breathable woven plastic rugs make a perfect base for your outdoor living area. Unlike cheap imitations, RV patio rugs do not absorb water, dry quickly and their porous construction means dust and dirt are sifted through, rather than collecting on the surface.  RV patio rugs give your campsite a tidy look and create a safe, cleaner play area for kids while catching dirt before it’s carried into your RV.

Handheld or Stick Vacuum

Despite investing in a top-quality RV patio rug, bits and pieces of the great outdoors will find the way inside. Dirt and grit are the enemies of smoothly operating slides and vents in RVs. Make cleaning up after dusty hikers and sandy beach goers easy and efficient with a small, but powerful handheld or stick vacuum cleaner. Consider a small vacuum that will work with both carpet and vinyl flooring found in many RV.

Over-the-Door Organizers

Keep clutter in control with a few over the door organizers. Space efficient and inexpensive, over the door multi-pocket organizers can be used for everything from shoes to power cords, to toys and shower supplies. Over the door organizers can be as simple as an inexpensive shoe organizer to hanging spice racks. Hang them over bathroom doors, mount an organizer inside cabinets or even hang from shower rods.

Command Strips and Hooks


When it comes to organizing and personalizing your RV, Command Strips and Command Hooks are essential. Use Command Strips and Hooks to hang your multi-pocket organizers, family photographs, bath towels, kitchen tools, spare keys, and power cords without damaging the walls of your RV.

Reflective Insulation

If camping in the summer is on the schedule, a roll of Reflectix is an essential accessory.  Use Command Strips to hang sheets of the reflective insulation on sun-facing windows to deflect glaring sunlight from your RV and lower the inside temperature on brutally hot summer days. Inexpensive — about $20 a roll — and easy to use, the insulation keeps your RV air-conditioner from working overtime.

Instant Pot

One hallmark of an essential RV kitchen accessory is how many tasks it can do and the Instant Pot checks off lots of boxes. Plug it in outside or inside and use it as a slow cooker for when you’re out adventuring all day, a pressure cooker for when you need to get food on the table quickly, a rice cooker and stir-fry pot – all in less than the space of a large slow cooker. If your RV has room for one appliance, make it an Instant Pot

Immersion Blender

Whether it’s slushy cocktails, hearty chowders, batches of baby food or whipping eggs, an immersion — or stick blender – can whirl it together without taking up the counter and cabinet space of a standard blender. Lightweight, hand-held, easy to clean, and inexpensive, immersion blenders will tuck in a standard drawer – even in an RV kitchen. For seasonal or full-time RVers who don’t want to give up the love of cooking, an immersion blender is an essential kitchen accessory.

Folding Dryer Rack

Whether it’s a model that attaches to your roof ladder, extends out from your RV’s bumper, or a simple model that  collapses to stow under a bed, a folding dryer rack is an essential RV accessory for any camper who craves dry towels. Finding a place to hang wet laundry, heavy towels and swim wear is a challenge even in the largest unit; a folding dryer rack lets you spread out your wash to dry in the sun. Modestly priced, folding laundry racks will pay you back in short order by saving quarters in the usually not-efficient campground dryers.

Weather Radio

A battery or crank powered weather radio is an essential safety accessory for any RVer. No matter how well-built, anyone in an RV is especially vulnerable to violent weather. Stay up to date with official weather alerts with a weather band radio that receives NOAA alerts even when cell tours and wi-fi are out of commission.  At well under $100, a quality weather radio is a critical investment in safety.

Wi-Fi Extender

For most RVers, unplugging and “getting away from it all” is part of the allure of camping – until the journey extends beyond a reliable wi-fi signal. With spotty wi-fi coverage at many parks, enhanced wi-fi connectivity is essential. The mobile wi-fi experts at technomadia.com, recommend the WiFiRanger SkyPro connected to the GoAC interior router to pick up wi-fi as far was 2 miles away while encrypting your connection. If you’re looking for a more simple option, choose a wall plug in booster.

First Aid Kit


Before you make your first RV journey, invest in a top quality first aid kit. Working and playing around the campground will be some of the most fun you have; it’s also where you’ll collect scrapes, bumps, bruises, and bug bites.  Be prepared with a fully equipped, up to date, and easily accessible first aid kit.

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